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All About Google My Business

In many of Sparrow’s blog posts and strategy sessions, you’ve heard Google My Business mentioned and encouraged as part of growing your small business. But,

Landing Pages 101

In Sparrow’s LaunchKits, we’ve created a basic template for you to design a Landing Page.  In order for you to make the best use of

Jedi Design Tricks

Make them see what you want them to see This is the first post in a new series about tips on designing your website like

Install Google Analytics Tracking

We wanted to show you the simple way you can add visitor tracking from Google (free) onto your website to find out where visitors are

Benefits of Podcasts

WHY DO I NEED PODCASTS? It seems that podcasts have really boomed in popularity in the last year or so despite being around for at

Best Practices for Local SEO 2020

This week’s strategy session covers the most recent studies, as digested by Adam Grim, who eats this stuff for breakfast (Who needs Wheaties?). The studies

The Extraordinary Give Is Coming!

Nov. 20, 2020 It’s that festive time of year when people are thinking about giving, whether it’s family Thanksgiving or present-giving holidays.  But there are

Why Facebook?

As we’ve been learning about Marketing Strategy during our weekly strategy meetings, the first thing a business owner needs to do (found at the very

How Launch Kits Work for Realtors

Sparrow Launch Kits will work for anyone serving in any industry, but real estate professionals have some unique perks to having their own website and

The 4 W’s of Content Marketing

WHY content marketing?   First, what is content marketing? It is creating content like videos and blog posts that show off your expertise and is interesting

How to Write… Period

That title sounds like a know-it-all person who has published great literary works must have written this blog post.  Well… not exactly.  I barely even